In the case of a project, planning usually accounts for only 3-5% of the total cost, but it can have a 75-80% impact on the total project cost.

When collecting the information needed for mechanical, electrical, and architectural planning, it’s worth focusing on the following topics:

  • What will be the purpose of the facility? Data center, research, corporate applications, cloud services, etc.?
  • What size of infrastructure is planned? What capacity will be needed to meet current and future needs?
  • Where will the server room be located? What environmental factors need to be considered, such as temperature, humidity, dust, noise?
  • What are the security requirements, and who needs what level of access?
  • How much energy will be needed to operate the server room? How important is efficiency and energy savings?
  • What cooling requirements does the server room have? What cooling solutions are feasible, and are there availability and redundancy requirements?
  • How important is the scalability of the server room for future expansions, and what is the difference between initial and final loads?
  • Are there any architectural constraints or requirements that need to be considered when planning the server room?
  • What electrical power supply is required for the server room? Is redundant power supply needed?
  • Are there any environmental factors, such as noise or vibration, that could affect the operation of the server room? Is noise reduction needed?
  • How critical is continuous operation? Is there a need for redundant systems to minimize the impact of possible failures?
  • What regular maintenance is required for the equipment, and how is maintenance planned to be carried out?

The answers to the above topics significantly influence the size of investments in CAPEX and OPEX, and with our many years of professional experience, we can provide valuable assistance to our clients in finding and implementing the most suitable, customized solutions for them.

For more information, please contact us!